What to do in the case of an ELD malfunction
In the case of an ELD malfunction, including:
- Cannot log in to mobile app
- Cannot log in to platform dashboard
- Cannot send logs
- Cannot connect to GPS tracking device
- Consistent errors when accessing features in mobile app
Please reach out to support@mifleet.us or 1-866-MIFLEET option 2
For official FMCSA regulations please see the links below
Driver’s Record of Duty Status
Q10. What must a driver do if there is an electronic logging device (ELD) malfunction?
A10. If an ELD malfunctions, a driver must:
- Note the malfunction of the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to the motor carrier within 24 hours;
- Reconstruct the record of duty status (RODS) for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days, and record the records of duty status on graph-grid paper logs that comply with 49 CFR 395.8, unless the driver already has the records or retrieves them from the ELD; and
- Continue to manually prepare RODS in accordance with 49 CFR 395.8 until the ELD is serviced and back in compliance. The recording of the driver’s hours of service on a paper log cannot continue for more than 8 days after the malfunction; a driver that continues to record his or her hours of service on a paper log beyond 8 days risk being placed out of service.
Q11. What must a motor carrier do if there is an electronic logging device (ELD) malfunction?
A11. If an ELD malfunctions, a motor carrier must:
- Correct, repair, replace, or service the malfunctioning ELD within eight days of discovering the condition or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first; and
- Require the driver to maintain paper record of duty status (RODS) until the ELD is back in service.

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