ChatterBox – How To Guide


How to Use


Add a new driver and phone number


Drivers tab > New


Apps button in the top right, click on Chatterbox


In the new window that opens, click on the Drivers tab on the left, select your driver and type your message in the textbox at the bottom of the screen. This will send and receive messages in real-time from the driver:









The List

The left panel represents a list of available units and drivers. Here you can choose a 'target' for your message.

Status icon is placed to the right of each unit/driver's name. Green icon means that connection is available. Besides, when connection is OK the item in the list is more vivid.

Note that there can be a situation when an item is vivid though status icon is inactive. This means that a unit’s device supports sending of the virtual commands. In other words, you can send a command to such a unit even if connection is not available at the moment. In such case sent command is received by a unit upon connection availability.

The filter, situated in the top of the list, can be used to simplify a search if the list of items is too big.


Messages panel occupies the central part of the app. A name and a telephone number of a chosen driver/unit are shown at the top of this panel. If two numbers are given, then choose one to work with (click it).

Enter a message text in the field below. In the bottom left corner indicate 'Chat' or 'SMS' as the method of message dispatching. If 'Chat' is indicated, then the number of entered symbols is displayed in the bottom right corner . If 'SMS' is the indicated method of dispatching, then the number of remained symbols and, in brackets, the number of SMS is displayed in the corner. To send a message, click the green button or use <enter> on the keyboard if the corresponding flag is indicated in the bottom right corner of the panel.

Audio signal informs you on the incoming message. To turn it on/off, click the speaker-shaped button in the bottom left corner of messages panel.

Sending Addresses

The application allows you to send not only text messages, but also points of destination found in the search bar or predefined. This operation can be done in the right panel.

The list of geofences as well as the address search bar are displayed in the right panel. Enter the necessary destination point in the search bar or choose a geofence from the list. A preview of a chosen destination point is available on the map at the bottom of the list. If it is necessary, you can manually correct a destination point by dragging a marker to the right place.

Double-click a marker to send a destination point. Destination point's information includes its address and coordinates. Double-click an item's name in the right panel for a quick sending of a corresponding geofence.

The right panel can be hidden. In order to do so, click the corresponding icon (green square) in the top right corner of the application.

Messages History

Messages history can be viewed in the application. After a driver/unit is chosen, its today’s messages (if there are any) are shown in the central panel. Other intervals are also available: 'Yesterday', 'Week', 'Month', 'From beginning'.

After an interval is chosen, all messages for an indicated period are displayed in the central panel. Clicking the corresponding button above the message input field, you can separately view 'Outgoing', 'Incoming', and 'All messages'. If you would like to find a particular message, a search can be facilitated by the filter situated above the input field.

Messages can be deleted. To do so, click a message and then click delete button beside it. Messages deleted from history are completely deleted from the database.

Displayed messages history can be exported to XML-format file. To do so, click the corresponding button below the telephone number.


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